Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Despite my accident, and a girl collapsing in the middle...I PASSED THE PLT! Now' I've just gotta wait for a call from the district and hopefully an interview. Whether I get a job for next year or not, at least I've got my license (well, technically...I don't actually have a license yet) and I'm available and capable to be employed! Yay!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

I Did It!

So, the plan was for me to become a runner. I've never been so motivated to do something in my whole life, and I knew that if I didn't start now, I probably never would. Here's the problem. I'm married to a super athletic, marathon runner.

Cam started running about the time I got pregnant. I think he can thank me for that. I informed him shortly after finding out I was going to be packin on the pounds that typically, the man gains as much if not more weight than the woman does when she's pregnant. I think it really freaked him out, because after that, he started up. He ran for well over a hundred , maybe two hundred days (I don't know the exact number, but he does) consecutively. He even went running when he was spending the week with me in the hospital when Jac was born. He was so motivated, that he signed up to run a marathon, before he'd ever even run a 5K, 10K or half-marathon. In February of last year...he did it!

After I started to get back to my normal self, I tried to run, but I just couldn't do it. I hated running and it depressed me to know that I could never keep up with Cam (speed or distance). I ran out of breath, I tripped, and my body ached. When Cam left for Iraq, I promised myself that I would try to start and set a goal to run a 5K with Cam when he got home. I joined the Y and have been going several times a week to work out and "train" (Keep in mind I'm using that word very loosely). I've even been documenting my speed, distance, and weight (and am very proud to say that I've lost no weight since the beginning of my expedition..so sad) in a notepad everyday to keep me accountable. I try to run a little harder and a little better everyday and motivate my self by thinking of my hunk running in triple digit temps, in the sand. If he can do it there, certainly I can torture myself for 40 minutes in an AC gym on a treadmill, while I watch TV.

Last week, when I talked to Cam, he mentioned that he would be running a 10K in Iraq on the fourth. I half jokingly mentioned that I could run the Spirit of Florence 5K at Timrod Park with him...how cute! LOL! Somehow he convinced me to do it. Yesterday was the big day. Cam talked me into it...so I talked Kimberly (and Jude) into it too. We did it though. I was so excited that I actually finished it...and in only 31 minutes (my best time so far!). Kimberly put those walkers to shame by finishing 1st place female walkers overall and she was pushing a stroller the whole time...not an easy feat! I got 3rd place for my age group...not too impressive, but at least I've got something to show for it!

Later, Cam asked me if I had fun...running???...seriously???? I'm trying to enjoy running, but the fact is, I don't. Not too worry though, I've still got almost 3 months to help myself love it more and become a running stud like my hubby. Maybe this post will hold me to my word. I guess we'll have to wait and see!