Monday, August 3, 2009


So I had a job interview last week and really felt like things went well, although it was only a ten minute interview. I totally felt prepared for anything, but as it turned out, I way over-did it! The principal told me he would be calling whoever he chose for the job on Tuesday of last week. If you didn't get chosen, you would get a letter in the mail in a few days thanking you for your time. So...I didn't get a call on Tuesday and was pretty bummed about it.

You can imagine my surprise when I get a call from the district office this morning informing me that I had been recommended for the job! I thought maybe she was mistaken (and in all honesty, I'm still not positive she wasn't), but even still, she told me that they are writing up my contract and it should be ready in the next day or so! Woo Hoo! What a load off!

Now, I've got a week or two to start collecting supplies (and mooching off of my teacher friends/cousins) and get my classroom ready for school to start on the 17th! I'm getting nervous!

In other news, I almost went into cardiac arrest 2 weeks ago, when Jac fell into my parent's garden pond. Kimberly and I were trying to clean up some glass off of the patio (thanks to another toddler fiasco) when I just so happened to turn around and see Jac floating in the pond. I jumped up and ran like the wind to scoop him out. Poor baby, he was clinging to a rock on the edge of the pool. His head was above the water, but he had gone under because his hair was all wet. He was wearing his brand new tennis shoes that were now drenched and had algea scuff marks on the toe. I pulled him out and took off all of his clothes. He cried for all of 30 seconds and didn't even cough once. I think he may have held his breath when he fell in (thanks YMCA). He's a tough little guy, but it really made me realize how fragile children are. You can't look away from them even for a minute. I'm thinking of investing in a large cage.

Speaking of drowning in the water, Kimberly was in the pool with Penn and Samantha last week. Oddly enough, Jac has decided that he's scared to death of pools of water when adults are near, but makes a mad dash toward the pond and pool when he thinks no one is looking. So, Jac was playing with the outside toys, chasing Kory around, etc. We were so proud of Penn. He went under the water (and held his breath) and went all the way to the bottom (2ft) of the pool and came back up. We were super excited at his amazing feat and cheered like he had just done a backflip. All of a sudden, we saw what he went down to the bottom to get...MY BLACKBERRY!!! Apparently, Jac though it would be pretty fun to see if a cell phone will sink or float (he's the inquisitive type). FYI...they sink. Penn actually saved my phone from the dark abyss that is the bottom of the pool. I ran inside and tore the phone apart, dried it off, and threw it in a ziploc bag with Rice-A-Roni (we had no plain rice) to help draw the moisture out. I left it there overnight. Later, Pack took it apart and vacuumed out some more moisture from the inside. All of our efforts paid off and it's still working, thank goodness. I've been using Cam's phone this past week, because I want to be postive it's going to work for me. Maybe God's trying to teache me not to be so materialistic? Oh how I love my phone!

Things with Cam have been pretty good lately. Their Internet hasn't been going out so much and we've been able to talk and e-mail pretty regularly. Since Saturday was August 1, I can now say that Cam will be home next month. It's been pretty tough without him lately. We just celebrated our anniversary on July 22. Well...maybe celebrated isn't the right word. We'll say....OBSERVED (how romantic...right?). We'll be "celebrating" come September! I sent him a heartfelt care package filled with granola bars, and flavored powder for bottled water (classic), and he sent me a beautiful bouquet of roses and a letter. He found out that most of the people he works with are actually going to get to come home about a month early, but he has to stay behind and help out Aviation Ordinance. I'm getting really excited and we've got lots of stuff planned for when he gets home. Hopefully, I won't be too distracted at my new job! :)

I don't have any idea how many people care about what's going on in my life, or read my blog (if anyone), but if you're one of those troopers, I just want to say thanks. Your friendship, prayers, advise, and support mean so much to me. If nothing else, getting things out there, at least helps me to make sense of things. That was a little random, but it had to be said. :)

I'm gonna hit the sack tonight, before I start typing crazy stuff out of sheer exhaustion. I'll leave you with a pic, I call "Happiness." :)


  1. i love reading your posts. Glad you got a job! That's such great news. You're definitely one busy mamma.

  2. I love reading your posts too.:) Congrats on your job and oh my goodness, I bet your heart skipped several beats when you saw Jac in the pond. Praise the Lord that he is okay!
