Friday, June 26, 2009

Doctor Visit

So, I took Jac back to the doctor yesterday, because he's still pulling on his ears on occasion. I was also a little concerned because he hasn't been eating like he normally does, he's had a little cold, and he's had diarrhea off and on for the past 2 months or so. I know it's gross, but I worry about him staying hydrated. Before, I kinda thought it was due to the antibiotic he was taking for the first and second ear infections, or maybe it was the fresh fruits and veggies he was eating. He never acts like his stomach bothers him, only the diaper rash he gets because of it. After a nervous wait (trying to keep him entertained without a temper tantrum), 1 cup juice, 1 pack of smarties, 2 suckers, and countless toys, we finally got to see the doctor. He told me that one of Jac's ears looked red and the other looked ok. He was concerned about the upset stomach and ordered a stool test (ew) to make sure he didn't get a separate infection caused by the first antibiotic. We did the test yesterday (he had the humungo "poo blowout" while I was at the gym and mom and dad had to bottle it up...hahahaha...perfect timing) and turned it in this morning. I hope that he doesn't have another infection, but I also hope we can find out the cause of his upset stomachs. Anyhow, he slept until almost 8:30 this morning (and that NEVER happens) and was feeling great. Hopefully we'll nip it in the bud this time!

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