Bought a new bumper for the pick-up I rear-ended. SUCKS!
I'm being eaten alive by mosquitoes. I'm a compulsive bite-counter, and I've totally lost count. I will say that I got 3 bites from the time I exited my car until I entered the house.
Toys-R-Us has the most awesome reusable shopping bags/gift bags for only 1.49. If only I could remember to take them to the store with me.
While gaining some skin pigmentation, Jac's losing the teeny bit of hair color he had. At least he can pull it off and still look cool.
Jon and Kate + 8...are we really surprised? We all saw it coming. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was hoping their "big announcement" was that she's pregnant. LOL
Cam's finally got a "tentative" date of return...Sept. 25th. I can start my countdown finally!
People say, "Never wake a sleeping baby." Sometimes they're just too cute and you just want to hold them. Fight little sleeping angel turns into the spawn of satan when I wake him "before his time."
The Splash Pad is awesome!
I'm unofficially training to run a 5k with Cam (maybe not "with him" but at least at the same time) when he gets home.
I really miss going to a restaurant without a screaming toddler. I guess learning to walk has totally spoiled eating out for us for the next little bit. Let's hope this is a quick phase.
We're really loving our cheapo 2ft pool from Dollar General. Especially after we put the kiddos down for a nap!
I hope you enjoyed reading these little snippets of my life. That's all I can think of for now!
Aw, so cute! Ben wore the same onesie on Father's Day!
ReplyDeleteI knew what was coming on Jon & Kate + 8, but it still sucked. I'd never thought about her being pregnant...haha, that would have been something else!
Tomorrow I will check out our Dollar General because we're in the market for a pool. :)