He seems really tired when I talk to him. They're working like 15 hour days 7 days a week and he's still running pretty much every day. There's so much that I want to remember to tell him but I can never remember when we're on Skype. I just end up saying "There was something I wanted to tell you..." about 5 times and then remember after we hang up. He said there are alot of sandstorms and the other day it rained during one, so it was literally raining mud. He sounded pretty excited because he got to drive the CWO's truck around to pick people up and he said he got to go "mud boggin." Should be pretty safe though since it sounds like there was no wet grass to slide on and that's what usually gives him trouble. haha
I'm so proud of my very smart little boy! He's so advanced for his age...I mean...he's not even 1 and a half yet and he's already hit the "terrible twos." Incredible. The past 3 days have been full of back-arching, screeching, and going limp. Maybe even some foot stomping too! Not to mention all of the snot and tears! I don't know if it's because of DST, playing hard, missing Dad, moving, or just having an out-of-whack schedule, but I'm hoping this passes quickly. Jac's not the kind of kid who just "gets over it" or can be distracted. If I ignore him, it gets worse. If I speak firmly, it gets worse. I hate giving him what he wants when he acts like that (I don't want him to think that's how to get my attention), but most of the time, it's my sanity. He wants to play outside all day long and he's perfectly happy. The minute we need to come inside to catch the phone, use the bathroom, or whatever, the tantrum starts. Oh, and lets not mention the fact that he will refuse to eat if I don't let him hold his own spoon. You should have seen spaghetti night. Ugh...I'm exhausted after only a week and a half of being a stay-at-home-mom. Now I remember why I work! haha. Well, at least we still have bedtime. My little angel sleeps in his room from 7 to 7 uninterrupted! Thank God...I need some rest!
He's lucky he's got the cute thing going for him!
Eating his cupcake from Grandma...he's so rotten!
I've finally gotten over whatever nasty thing I had. I was so sick of coughing I could throw up...literally! Eww. Jac and I are still in Tricare Insurance limbo because of the move. I'm so scared we're gonna get really sick and get stuck with the bill because I haven't turned in the paperwork!
Penn came over this afternoon for a little dip in the baby pool and a bubble bath. After chasing them around, Mom came home and I painted a bookshelf, had a shower, ate supper and went off to church. I'm zonked! It's bedtime...after all...I gotta get up and shower before Jac rises at 7, otherwise I'll have to wait until naptime after lunch. I don't think I could do this all the time! Goodnight!
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