At least there was a bright spot to the day. Overall, the kids went crazy! I left work with a massive headache. First graders are so high maintence. It's too bad you can't just teach curriculum. Here are some of my least favorite jobs:
shoe tier
jacket zipper
ziplock bag zipper
nurse (distributing meds, offering magical band-aids and wet paper towels)
condiment/milk opener
water fountain counter downer (3, 2, 1, done!)
hallway/bathroom monitor
cafeteria worker
nose picker police
hand washer police
color flipper
tour guide
And that's just today....
Whew! I'm so exhaused...only 132 more days left...[sniff sniff]
I can't wait for Thanksgiving next week! Jac is turning 1 on the 28th and we are having his baseball/turkey birthday party at our Thanksgiving celebration. This year has gone by so quickly. I'm so sad that's already so big! I miss having a little baby, but everyday I'm amazed by how he changes and develops.
I didn't hear from Cam last night, and it's not looking good for tonight either. Now he's saying that he may not get back until the 28th or 29th! Everytime I get to talk to him, it changes, so hopefully he'll get to come home before Jac's birthday.
I'll close with this pic I took tonight of Jac. He fed himself for the first time! It was great that we both got to each at the same time...well...all three if you count Kory; she was going crazy bc Jac kept dropping his chicken for her to each and then laughing at her! You can see her searching for leftovers in the background (He was using the awesome no-spill bowl that a lady a Southwest gave to me as a gift when I was working there. Her son designed it.)
Ok...I was gonna close, and then I was reading my Living the Message devotional book and came across this verse for today. I've been struggling and this encouraged me:
"I grasp and cling to whatever you tell me; God, don't let me down! I'll run the course you lay out for me if you'll just show me how." Pslam 119 31-32
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